May 10, 2023

Technology Relevance in Starting Business- Indian StartUp EcoSystem-New Normal

Technology Relevance in Starting Business- Indian StartUp EcoSystem-New Normal

The Year 2020 has just gone by and the year shocked the entire world with Covid Pandemic. The Pandemic made us realize how technological advancements in Healthcare have come to our rescue worldwide by having 10+ Vaccines produced in a record time period. Similarly Work from Home or Remote Working or Work From Anywhere has become the New Normal in our daily work life. Thanks to Technology Advancements the world never stopped working.

Our Communications with each other remained unaffected due to the World Wide Web and numerous applications we built too quickly to connect to each other over the years.

The IT Industry, which consists of World Wide Web , Telecommunications, Software and Hardware all came together to our rescue and successfully put behind the difficulties due to the Pandemic Situation.

Countries which had the IT Industry well established could offer services to their citizens in these difficult times. Similarly Countries which had a Start-Up EcoSystem could offer solutions in quick time to recover from this shock and put economic activity back on track.

India is no exception and with budding entrepreneurs growing by the day, is in a sweet spot compared to other countries. Especially, rich countries facing an aging population coupled with crumbling health care infrastructure and lifestyle issues of their larger population.

India is now in the forefront of re-building the shattered world economy. This gigantic task offers huge business opportunities for our young entrepreneurs. India could become the innovation hub and fuel R&D in almost all industries.

Our Prime Minister’s vision of Atma Nirbhar Bharat is transforming the economic landscape. To realize this vision, we Indians have to change the way we do business and adopt technology as a friend to achieve growth.

Government on its part is implementing continuous reforms in the economy and encouraging entrepreneurship like never before. Government’s intention is to provide a conducive business environment to all sections of the Industry. Huge investments are lined up to the tune of 10Lakh Crore rupees over the next 3-5 years.

Startups & Small Medium Businesses are key to this transformational economy. We need young entrepreneurs from Tier 2, Tier 3 cities and towns of India to participate in the economy.

Starting a Business starts with a business idea for the entrepreneur

In general, businesses have to be supported with systems and processes; without these the business idea cannot be implemented in the right direction. Without systems and processes businesses would not move forward.

Technology is a great support for businesses in creating the most productive systems and working collaboratively.

Digital Technology helps you in every aspect of your business. Below are some of the use cases:

  • Documenting Business Ideas by having a Secure Digital Document System
  • Having a Digital Collaborative Office Communication Suite which would include Business Domain ( Name for your business on WWW), Business Email, Office Applications like Doc, Spreadsheets, Presentations , Drive ( Storing Digital files and Data), Virtual Meeting Platforms, Employee Interaction Tools etc.,
  • Digital Accounting and Finance Software
  • Human Resources Management
  • Customer Relations Management Systems
  • Services Management Systems
  • Digital Databases
  • Web Applications and Mobile Applications to be connected within your teams and to your customers.
  • Secure Digital Signature Solutions

By having systems on digital platforms, it helps to have a paperless office. Digital tools offer utmost flexibility and security to your business transactions.

There are numerous digital technologies which run on WWW as a Service, hence, help entrepreneurs with the most economical cost of ownership and quick ready to start solutions.


iAmaze Consultants offer the most comprehensive suite of business applications, productivity & collaboration tools, data & cybersecurity and IT support services at most affordable prices. We support every part of your business with the latest technologies so that you can focus on your core business growth.

iAmaze Consultants Offer more than 30 Plus Must Have Business Applications, All Under One Package & Ready to Use to Kick Start your Business Venture without Hassles.

  • Technical Knowledge – Not Required
  • Application Maintenance – Not Required
  • IT Infrastructure at Your Office – Not Required.
  • Data Storage Required on Your Devices – Not Required

Business Operations Enabled on Your Laptop /Desktop / Even on Your Mobile Phone.

Seamless Working from Anywhere & Everywhere.

These applications are highly Secure, Privacy Ensured & Reliable with 24*7 Support. Available Anytime with a Click of Button on your Devices.

All Above Features starts with Just Rs. 1500/User/Month

Individual Modules for Sales, Marketing, Support, Productivity, Finance, HR & other Business Process applications are also Available at Economical Price.

Technology Relevance in Starting Business- Indian Startup Ecosystem

The Year 2020 has just gone by and the year shocked the entire world with Covid Pandemic. The Pandemic made us realize how technological advancements in Healthcare have come to our rescue worldwide by having 10+ Vaccines produced in a record time period. Similarly Work from Home or Remote Working has become the New Normal in our daily work life. Thanks to Technology Advancements the world never stopped working.

Countries which had a Start-Up EcoSystem could offer solutions in quick time to recover from this shock and put economic activity back on track. India is no exception and with budding entrepreneurs growing by the day, is in a sweet spot compared to other countries. Especially, rich countries facing an aging population coupled with crumbling health care infrastructure and lifestyle issues of their larger population.India is now in the forefront of re-building the shattered world economy. This gigantic task offers huge business opportunities for our young entrepreneurs. India could become the innovation hub and fuel R&D in almost all industries.

Atma Nirbhar Bharat is a vision of transforming the economic landscape. To realize this vision, we Indians have to change the way we do business and adopt technology as a friend to achieve growth. Huge investments are lined up to the tune of 10Lakh Crore rupees over the next 3-5 years. Startups & Small Medium Businesses are key to this transformational economy. We need young entrepreneurs from Tier 2, Tier 3 cities and towns of India to participate in the economy.

Starting a Business starts with a business idea for the entrepreneur

In general, businesses have to be supported with systems and processes; without these the business idea cannot be implemented in the right direction. Without systems and processes businesses would not move forward. Technology is a great support for businesses in creating the most productive systems and working collaboratively.

Digital Technology helps in every aspect of business. Below are some of the use cases:

  • Documenting Business Ideas by having a Secure Digital Document System
  • Having a Digital Collaborative Office Communication Suite which would include Business Domain ( Name for your business on WWW), Business Email, Office Applications like Doc, Spreadsheets, Presentations , Drive ( Storing Digital files and Data), Virtual Meeting Platforms, Employee Interaction Tools etc.,
  • Digital Accounting and Finance Software
  • Human Resources Management
  • Customer Relations Management Systems
  • Services Management Systems
  • Digital Databases
  • Web Applications and Mobile Applications to be connected within your teams and to your customers.
  • Secure Digital Signature Solutions

By having systems on digital platforms, it helps to have a paperless office. Digital tools offer utmost flexibility and security to your business transactions. There are numerous digital technologies which run on www as a Service, hence, help entrepreneurs with the most economical cost of ownership and quick ready to start solutions.

iAmaze Consultants Offer more than 30 Plus most comprehensive suite of business applications with just Rs. 1500/User/Month. All applications under One Package are enabled on Your Laptop /Desktop / Even Mobile Phone & Ready to Use for your Business Enabled on Your Laptop /Desktop / Even on Your Mobile Phone Seamlessly from Anywhere & Everywhere. Individual Modules for Sales, Marketing, Support, Productivity, Finance, HR & other Business Process applications are also Available at Economical Price. Business Operations These applications are also highly Secure, Privacy Ensured & Reliable with 24*7 Support.

Moreover all these services does not require

  • Technical Knowledge
  • Application Maintenance
  • IT Infrastructure at Your Office
  • Data Storage Required on Your Devices

Connect & Consult with iAmaze’s Subject Matter Expert for a Cost Effective Business Application solution

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