May 10, 2023

Remote Management Tech Tools for Managing Remote Teams

Remote Management Tech Tools for Managing Remote Teams

1. Tasks

Tasks as part of any Project that the organization is working on is of very high priority.
Tasks have to be documented for any size organizations. Tasks have to be delegated to teams who are experts in completing them and update within the Task Application so that the organization is updated as a whole.
Managers can have weekly meetings with their teams to check on status which is well documented, delegated and updated.
Individual Task tools like WhatsApp Messages, Sheets, Docs, Notepad Scribbles won’t help organization view and their importance to organization goals.
Tasks Applications are simple. For Example we can just know whether a task is Done/Not Done/Under Process and at what stage regularly without having to create too much documentation to avoid wasting time.
We can have sub tasks, due dates, simple reminders, custom fields etc., which is difficult to implement in Google Doc or Sheet.

2. Google Meet

To keep connected to your teams. Google Meet is Simple, Secure and allows upto 100 users in a single session. Google Meet simply runs on Browser and needs NO technical support for users. No installation on the user machine. Recording Option available and stores the recording in Google Drive automatically. No Need to worry about storage or availability at a later time.

3. Google Chat

Google Chat is great for remote working teams as it is deeply integrated with Google Workspace tools and require no other tools like Slack, Whatsapp etc., Google Chat is part of Google Mail Dashboard along with Google Meet. Very Simple to Use. File sharing, Video conferencing , Private Rooms etc., are available. Integrations available with CRM and BOT integration possible to automate schedules, updates etc., Integration with Google Calendar available, it can schedule Calendar Invites automatically.

4. Google Drive ( Shared Drive/Team Drive)

Shared Drive/Work Drive allows collaboration and corporate control and keeps all our Data Safe. Organizations can avoid purchasing expensive Servers, Hard Drives etc., for keeping files & data stored.
There are many Security Features within Google Drive for user permissions and sharing. It has audit trials and reports as well.
Google Drive for Desktop is another great tool as it makes available files & folders to their machines. Users can work offline as well. All files and Folders are synced to Drive on Cloud automatically and data is safe in the organization account.

5. Business Number (Dialpad)

Businesses need a Business Number for receiving and making calls. There are choices available now to use the Cloud Communication Tools for Voice Calling which in turn enables businesses & their employees to operate virtually from anywhere.

Google Workspace Transfer In Offer

Your Organization can Transfer In your Google Workspace Account to iAmaze Consultants Private Limited. This is a Billing Transfer hence you will continue to enjoy the same pricing for plans subscribed by you at Google Directly.

As a Google Workspace Authorized Partner, we can provide you with following services on Free of Cost basis from our Partner Portal.

Access to iAmaze Support Team of Google Workspace Certified Experts
Help in correct DNS Records
Emergency Back Up Access to Your Account
Exclusive Google Workspace Promotions from Time to Time

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