Office On Cloud Using Google Drive

Office On Cloud Using Google Drive

We have successfully deployed the “Office on Cloud” concept for many organizations, especially Start-Ups, SME and New Age Companies. Due to Covid-19 situation, organizations & businesses across the globe encourage “Anywhere Working” since the last 02 years. Google Workspace offers their Enterprise Drive feature which enables organizations to create file systems & data storage to run from Drive and be accessed by users from anywhere and from any device. Office on Cloud is an “Always Available” resource for users to access their official work and “No Need” to have a physical location to meet. Google Workspace offers a complete suite of remote working applications like docs, file storage, software driven rules & policies, data protection , secure access and safety of organizational information & data. The Solution is highly cost effective in comparison to physical location offices & IT Infrastructure deployment like LAN, WAN , Servers and Storage Devices. The Solution reduces other recurring costs like office rental & location maintenance etc.,

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